Doctrine 2 versus NotORM

Part 1: Data retrieval

These tutorials show the same demo application created in Doctrine 2 and in NotORM. You can play one whole video and then the other or you can switch playing both videos (watch for checkpoints).

Doctrine 2 video tutorial


Download source codes (versioned in Git)

NotORM video tutorial


Download source codes (versioned in Git)

Tools used to create videos

Doctrine 2 WTFs

  1. Depends on Symfony (only the doctrine.php script)
  2. Requires specifying proxy even if not used
  3. Typo in annotation causes no error
  4. First character is missing in M:N table and column names
  5. New column is added at the end of the table
  6. One query for each loop iteration (can be solved by Paginate extension)
  7. Must use DQL for order and limit
  8. No LIMIT clause in DQL
  9. One piece of data is transferred repetitively with DQL joins
  10. No way to specify another column in M:N relation

Doctrine Lead Developer response

Author: Jakub Vrána. It is allowed to re-publish only both videos together.